Avoiding Dehydration


Cholera_rehydration_nursesMany articles have been written about storing water for survival. But many people have also died of dehydration with water in their possession. Knowing how to avoid dehydration in an emergency situation will be a critical skill.

Keeping enough water in your system to function in a healthy manner is important in the best of times. But in a survival/SHTF situation it becomes critical. Your body needs water to keep it cool through the evaporation of sweat. You need water to keep organs functioning correctly, to digest food and eliminate body waste.

Symptoms of Dehydration

Loosing up to 5% of body fluids  causes thirst, weakness, nausea, and irritability. The pulse increases and the skin may become flushed. Judgment may be seriously impaired, even with only a 2% loss.( Often it is the stupid mistakes that actually are the killer) Loosing 10% will cause headache, dizziness and tingling in limbs. You may be unable to speak clearly or walk. The skin may begin to turn blue and vision will be impaired. Loss of 15% will cause seriously impaired vision and hearing, the tongue will swell and urination will be difficult. You may exhibit symptoms of delirium and be unable to swallow. Loss of more than 15% usually results in death. Obviously, drinking enough water to replace water loss is vital. but it isn’t the whole story. Proper nutrition, your age, and any medications you are taking will have an effect on the amount of water you need. A general rule of thumb is that in extremely hot climates you should plan on a gallon of water per person per day.

Hyponatremia (Water Intoxication)

You body needs a proper balance of electrolytes as well as sufficient water. Drinking too much water without enough electrolytes included can cause the sodium in the cells to become diluted, disrupting the proper function in the cells/body. Over an extended period of time, even though you are replacing water, if you are not replacing electrolytes, serious symptoms can occur. For an in depth article from the Mayo Clinic click here. If you have sufficient water and are eating properly, you should have no problem. Salt in you diet replaces that lost through perspiration. But if you need additional electrolytes due to food shortage, extensive time in hot weather coupled with rapid perspiration, there are a couple of choices. Gatorade and many other sports drinks do have critical electrolytes, but they also have sugar and artificial additives that are not good. Plus they are bulky in bottle form. There is another alternative that is cheaper, healthier, and easier to stash in your bug out bag.Emergency electro mix It is called Emergen-C-Electro Mix. It comes in powdered form and can be easily added to your water. It contains essential electrolyte essentials such as Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, plus Chromium. They also make other similar products in different flavors.

 Additional Considerations

We had a saying in the Army that if you were not peeing a lot, you were not drinking enough. If your urine is clear, or pale yellow you are O.K. If your urine turns darker and has a very bad smell, you are dehydrating. Do not depend on your thirst alone to tell you when to drink. And do not use your perspiration to measure water loss. In hot, dry climates like here in Arizona, your perspiration evaporates almost immediately. The same hold true in very cold and dry climates. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks. Avoid smoking and learn to breathe through your nose. You actually lose some moisture out of you lungs when breathing. Move at night when it is cooler.

Having sufficient water, knowing the effects of dehydration, how to replace electrolytes, and how to reduce body water loss are critical components of avoiding dehydration in an emergency/SHTF situation.

4 thoughts on “Avoiding Dehydration

  1. Good article.
    Down in the Falklands the very rapid campaign (with VERY bad logistical support) meant that guys were drinking puddled water when on the march. As a result some got ill fast. That was back in 1982.
    Fast forward to now and although the technology is better, when you are moving fast, it may appear to you the process of cleansing your water will need to be rushed. Three little words. DON’T DO THAT.
    Take those iodine laced bottle filters. Pour in your water and it’s safe to drink. NO IT ISN’T. Iodine takes a good half an hour to work with WARM water and unless it has an integral fine filter, it still may not stop a little dose of “crypto or giardia” diarrhea. Some survival straws work better as does a Katadyn but take the time to DO IT RIGHT!
    One other point, when water is in short supply, don’t eat. For digestion to take place you need an EXCESS of water above what the body needs to function. Remember the rule of 3’s. You can function / survive for about 3 days without water, BUT 3 weeks without food. Forget the 3 square meals a day when water is limited, especially when you are on the rush.

    As for the posh electrolytes? It’s easy to DIY.
    Emergency Oral Re-Hydration Fluid Recipe using PLAIN SALT.
    1/2 teaspoon of salt, 6 teaspoons of sugar, and a liter of water.
    Bottoms up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Excellent points for sure about the food. Most people do not realize how much water it takes to digest food properly. The DIY recipe is excellent and I should have added it to the article.


  2. Pingback: Avoiding Dehydration | Azweaponcraftprepper

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