Survival Uses For Honey

Runny_hunnyHoney is one of the most amazing foods you can acquire. And it has a large number of uses in a survival situation. Cave paintings in Spain indicated that humans were harvesting honey as long as 8,000 years ago. Honey is made by honey bees from flowers. There are a lot of different varieties and flavors, but it is the survival benefits we care about here.

So why do you want to consider honey in stocking your survival food, or when foraging in the wild?

Honey is both an antibiotic and an antibacterial.  The ancient Egyptians wrote of using it to treat wounds. When applied to a minor wound, it cleans and protects the wound and promotes congealing of blood. When diluted in your body fluids, it releases hydrogen peroxide, a formidable antibiotic.  When applied on an open wound, the glucose, contained by honey, is diluted and gradually releases hydrogen peroxide. It also helps to prevent bandages from sticking to wounds. Honey when mixed with vinegar can help expel parasites from the body.honey

Honey will actually store for almost ever. If it starts to crystallize, place the jar in a pot of hot water and stir it. Archeologists have found sealed jars of honey in Egyptian tombs that were still fit for human consumption.

Some additional benefits of honey in a survival situation. It is high in B vitamins along with vitamin C. honey is also a good source of magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, sulfur and zinc. Honey will boost your energy level., and boost your immune system. It is good to soothe sore throats and is a natural cough medicine.

Having a stock of honey in your stores or a small jar in your bug out bag could be very beneficial.



4 thoughts on “Survival Uses For Honey

    • Small added note, bee’s rarely travel more then a mile from their hives. They dont travel in a straight line and the myth of “africanized” bee’s is almost entirely hype.

      If you want to collect wild honey, in the American Southwest use greasewood and bunch it so it smolders good, or sage. Place this under or as close to wild hive (follow bees back or use a circular search pattern) as possible, let it smoke into the hive for several minutes and then take a portion, (avoid removing bees and dont destroy the hive) of the comb and honey.

      Locally harvested honey (wild or domestic) will give you higher resistance to local atmospherically driven allergens. (Dust etc.,)

      Anyhow, awesome, and agreed- honey is an amazing truly awesome food additive and or medicinal item.

      Well written and awesome. :)

      Liked by 1 person

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