Trump Won So It’s OK Now. Right?

donald_trump_by_gage_skidmore_12Not just yet folks. Not just yet. Like many preppers and patriots I fell into the trap of believing the news media polls that Donald Trump was behind, and even though a close election, Killary Clinton was going to be our next President. I went to bed early Nov. 8th, expecting to wake up to just that. And like many, I was in total shock (and joy) to find out that Donald J. Trump was going to be the 45th President of the United States. And all that it is going to mean for not only the United States but Western Culture as well.  With Trump as President we are going to have a Supreme Court that is going to slowly return us back to Constitutional values. Pro 2nd Ammendment laws and policies will be implemented. We are going to start implementing intelligent economic policies. And American social policies. Our religious freedoms will be restored. The list of benefits is endless.

But it hasn’t happened just yet!

You see, the winners of this election, you and me, weren’t the only ones in shock. Killary was supposed to have it sowed up. The news media said so, therefore it must be true. Obama would have a third term to solidify his legacy. And his real legacy, which he had always intended, was the total destruction of American society and to have it re-built in the socialist progressive mold.  They are mad as hell. They are shocked. They are desperate! All of George Soros’ money, even with the collusion of the mainstream media, couldn’t  buy this election. The American people repudiated Barack Obama and his socialist agenda. As I stated in my article This Election As a SHTF Scenario, whichever way the election went, we were subject to be living in dangerous times. And Donald Trump doesn’t get sworn in until January 20th. A lot can happen between now and then.

The radical left has spent 50 years slowly chipping away at the fabric of the American constitutional republic. And they just saw all their efforts potentially go up in smoke in one election. And they are not going to stand still for it.

You Need To Stay Even More Vigilant Now and Continue Your Preps

It is well documented now that the ongoing riots in major cities are being conducted by people being paid for it. This is not a grass roots objection to Trump’s election. This is deliberately organized violence. And it is also happening in colleges and even high school students are walking out of class and demonstrating. These things are being  planned, organized, and paid for. And I think it will continue for a while until after the inauguration.

Notice Trump’s Conciliatory Demeanor

A lot of people are wondering about that. I will tell you what I think. I think he is aware that we are all walking on a tight rope right now, and he has to play it cool until Jan. 20th. I have never been partial to conspiracy theories. I tend to be down to earth and pragmatic. But I have seen a lot improbabilities happen recently. And I think it is possible that a lot of improbable things could still happen before Jan. 20th. In my lifetime I have seen one Presidnet assasinated and one wounded in an assasination attempt.

So I advise all of you to stay alert, do not get complacent and remain vigilant until our new President actually takes the reins of government in his hands and sorts some bastards out.

Because the people who are bent on our destruction are not going to lay down and quit!



An Open Letter to President Elect Donald J. Trump

trump-top_20161109_090434Dear Mr. Trump,

Well, I went to bed last night thinking I was going to wake up to Killary being our president, and the horror show that would entail. I woke up this morning to find that the Trump Train choo-chooed accross the country. Congratulations Sir!

Now, Donald, the American people voted you into office because of the promisses you made. And we expect you to keep those promisses. Build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. Deport the illegals, Stop the Haji invasion of our country. Get rid of this abortion called Obama Care. Nominate Supreme Court Justices who have actually read the Constitution and understand what it means. Restore our Second Ammendment rights in places they are being abused.  Rebuild our economy. LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!!!

We don’t expect you to get it all done overnight. But we expect you to make serious progress right off the bat. If you do what you promissed, your name can be listed in the history books next to Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln.

But if you have lied to us, or start doing the typical politician tap dance “compromise” we will toss your butt out. You actually have the opportunity to make America great again. Don’t blow it.


Johnnie L. Mock

Why Christmas Matters. ( And Should Matter To Even Non-Christians)

CrusaderDecember 25th is the day that Christians world-wide celebrate the traditional birth of Jesus Christ. The religious meaning to Christians is deeply felt. But Christmas, as well as Christians, are under relentless attack, both in Western Europe, and the United States. It parallels a similar rise in anti-Semitism that is also growing in both places. But Christmas is a symbol of something else, something of vital importance to all people, whether Christian or not. It symbolizes the Judeo-Christian value system that built Western civilization. And the United States in particular. And the concepts of liberty and freedom it was founded on.

Contrary to populist leftist propaganda, the Founding Fathers of the United States were mostly practicing Christians and Jews. The flames of freedom were fanned from pulpits in Churches and Synagogues during the American Revolution. And even though the Founders approached their belief system from differing points of view, theDeclaration_independence underlying principles of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of The United States were based on Judeo-Christian values. These two documents established the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans and have been a beacon to freedom movements around the world, even freedom movements of Non-Christians.

The Judeo-Christian value system is predicated on the concept that every human being is a reflection of his or her creator, and has certain inalienable rights. These are rights given by God, not by the government. And as such, the one and only responsibility of government is to protect those rights.

This value system brought Europe out of the Dark Ages. It allowed for the founding of the United States of America, a beacon of freedom to the entire world. It is the value system that allows tiny Israel to be an island of freedom and democracy in a sea of Muslim hatred and violence.

The Battle of Long IslandBut this value system is under relentless attack, both by Muslim extremists on the outside, and the leftist populist atheists and agnostics on the inside. Numerous politicians and judges actively attack any symbol of Christianity. Prayer has been removed from schools, Christian monuments are being removed from public places, nativity scenes are being removed from public parks, athletes and coaches are being harassed and even fired for expressing their religious beliefs in public. All in the name of “Seperation of Church and state”. Nowhere in any of our founding documents is the term “Seperation of Church and state” to be found. Nowhere. This is a concept used by the left to pervert the meaning and intent of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which simply prohibits the government from establishing an official “government” religion, and at the same time allowing for the free expression of religious beliefs.  As a matter of fact, nowhere in the Constitution does it give the Federal judiciary the right to make laws from the bench, or to even declare laws unconstitutional. It simply isn’t there.

The Judeo-Christian value system was the framework that made it possible for theGerard_van_Honthorst_001 Founding Fathers of the United States to form a bastion of freedoms and liberties for all people. believers and non-believers alike. Freedoms that even allow the leftist one worlders to attempt to destroy the very hand that has fed them.

It is the value system that motivated people from around the world to repel the barbaric invasions of nazis, communists, tyrants in various forms, and  Muslim invasions of Europe. It is the value system that will eventually triumph over the current one.

There are too many people in the Western world who claim to be Christians, when in fact, if they were charged with it, there would not be enough evidence to convict them. Too many ‘Pastors” who are more worried about their IRS status, that speaking the truth.

Christmas matters. Because, in effect, it also celebrates the foundation of a set of principles, the Judeo-Christian value system, that allowed the codification of  liberties and freedoms  unprecedented in the history of mankind. Freedoms and liberties that too many people are willing to destroy, along with Christmas.

So, to anyone reading this, believer or non-believer, I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

“Life is tough, but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.”

John_Wayne_-_still_portraitLike many of my generation, I grew up on movies by Marion Robert Morrison (John Wayne, The Duke). Besides being an excellent actor, he was the real deal. You just got to admire anyone whose yacht is a converted WW2 PT boat and has enough macho to bed Marlene Dietrich. He was famous for his pithy and sometimes controversial comments. The one above is one of my favorites. I’m sure many of them were script written for his movies, but only The Duke could say it with the effect it deserves. So what does this have to do with emergency prepping?

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A Wake Up Call From Greece

Flag_of_Greece_svgThe Greek people just elected a far left (even Marxist) government in response to the mandated austerity program required of them for bail out money from their European partners. Greece is noted for the birthplace of democracy, and we certainly have to respect their choice of government. So what does this mean to us?

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Why I support Israel

Flag_of_Israel.svgI started this blog as an adjunct to my business which is selling my expertise in firearms instruction, security consulting, and emergency preparation consulting. I tend to avoid politics, however I set aside one page titled “Silent Running” for posts of a political bent, either mine or readers. I support the state of Israel, and here is why.

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So Why Are We Beginning Survival and Prepping Training For Beginners?

When I came home from overseas after doing a number of years of contract security in Kosovo and Afghanistan, I wanted to establish an organization that would provide students with the best possible defensive firearms training at a reasonable price. You shouldn’t have to sell your first born to get adequate defensive firearms training.

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