Lone Wolf Prepper

New video from Prepper Base 1.

Lone Wolf Prepper. Many new people are becoming preppers due to current events. And many of them are taking the Lone Wolf approach. But is this the best course of action? Here is a brief pros and cons of Lone Wolf prepping. View the video here.


OK Miss Corona, now what?


I have been away from the desk for some time now dealing with business issues, but it has given me the opportunity to draw some conclusions as I watched this pandemic go on.  There are some lessons to be learned. Just a few of my thoughts.

Panic buying.

Experienced preppers saw this coming, but it is a good object lesson. If so many people began panic buying in a relatively mild SHTF scenario, imagine their mental mindset if a extremely serious crisis occurred. The run on toilet paper is a classic example. Totally illogical. This virus had nothing to do with needing more toilet paper. But when talk of quarantine began immediately, people panic bought what they though they might need quantities of. And it is a snowball effect. Enough people panic bought to clear the shelves, and then other people assume they need to panic buy the same items so as not to not be left out. On and on until serious shortages occurred. The same with firearms and ammunition. People who had never considered buying a firearm before suddenly went out and bought what was available, and cleared the shelves of ammunition, as well as reloading supplies. I was in my local Cabelas recently looking for reloading powder. One of the sales associates told me that they had people come in, grab whatever ammo was still available, and then asked if they had any firearms chambered for it.  The also had signs on the reloading bullet shelves stating “This is not loaded ammunition. These are only bullets”. ????????????????? Obviously a WHOLE lot of new buyers. A new breed of “Last minute preppers”.

Economic  Effects and Government Restrictions

The stay at home directives, especially the drastic and illogical ones in Blue states, has had a paralyzing effect on the economy. This is worldwide as most of you know. The tremendous loss of jobs created a three trillion dollar “stimulus” bailout. Where do you think this money is going to come from? Printing presses and borrowing. This is going to have a serious effect on the dollar with predictable consequences.  The loss of jobs has slowed down our supply train distribution creating shortages of essentials such as meat. Government over reach in many areas is starting to generate increasing push back from citizens  who are watching their businesses and lives being destroyed. Civil disobedience of government is growing, even with armed protestors showing up at state capitols. Churches are beginning to defy government “no assembly” rules increasingly.  With corresponding government push back. As the rules loosen in some areas of the country, if we have a spike in Covid-19 cases, expect government restrictions to increase, with increasing citizen push back. This can, and probably will lead to serious situations, primarily in Democrat controlled areas. At some point, people (at least a large number of them) are simply not going to stand for it any longer, and will prefer to take the risk of catching a virus with a 99% survival rate, to watching their lives dissapear.

My Conclusions

I don’t have a crystal ball, but these are my conclusions. We are looking for increasing economic stressors going forward. Many of the unemployed will no longer have jobs to go back to.  Look for increasing calls for more government control , possibly including mandatory vaccinations. With corresponding citizen push back and increasing civil unrest. Shortages of essential items will increase with corresponding price increases. I’m not trying to be doom and gloom, but that is just how I see it.

My Recommendations

Be prepared for the worst case scenario. GET OUT OF DEBT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Continue your preps based on your perception of the situation in your local area as well as world wide.  Form Mutual Assistance Groups with like minded citizens. Find alternative means of income, especially if you are currently unemployed and living on the $600.00 a week federal unemployment assistance which will run out at the end of July.  Mitch McConnell has stated that it will not be renewed. Educate yourself, and practice your prepper skills.  And have faith in God.

For a good read while you are spending all this time at home, try this.

And finally, stay safe, trust in God, and never forget that self reliant people can always survive any challenge.




3 Reasons Why You Need Archery As A Prepper Skill

This is a guest article by John Lewis, a blogger, survivalist and outdoor enthusiast. You can follow him over at Epic Wilderness.

Archery is a sport which does not cost you too much money, but still gets you physically and mentally fit. Many people are now moving towards archery equipment for hunting and survival because the cost of getting archery equipment is much lower than getting a firearm.

While you are in archery, the gear that you may need to invest in include bow stabilizers and bow sights. If you want to check out this gear, you can check out this blog here. This gear is tailored to get your aim right to that you can shoot your target accurately as many times as possible.

So, still thinking whether you want to acquire archery skills in your self-reliance journey? Here are 3 reasons to consider while making that decision.

Reason 1: Using it to hunt

Hunting in general is an important survival skill by itself too because you may need to obtain food sources while you are bugging out. If you have archery skills in the bag, it can help you hunt fish, bear or deer depending on your preference.

Also, bows are much more effective for hunting because of the low-level noise that it makes. For guns, you need silencers to make the noise bearable. Otherwise, the amount of noise you cause would catch unnecessary attention. Especially when you are hunting, if you are not careful enough and cause too much noise, your game will be aware of your presence and react accordingly.

But even for bows, you may want to invest in bow stabilizers to reduce the amount of noise that you make while shooting. Trust me, this is a worthwhile investment.

Even if your bow is not strong enough, you can aim to get small game like rodents and rabbits. Another aspect you can look into is to bowfish as well. To bowfish, you can add a line to the arrow but make sure that the line is sufficiently strong to carry weight.

Reason 2: Being able to build it yourself

This reason would be more in reference to practicality. When you are caught in a really bad disasters, we can reasonably assume that all supplies and equipment would be gone. Your access to bullets and firearms would be limited which means the next best ranged weapon to protect yourself would be your archery gear.

You can use a boot knife to craft wood that is strong enough such as oak or lemon trees into the base of your bow. Next, you need to utilize items like ropes or fishing lines to make your bowstring. If you are in the wilderness, you can use vines or strong fibrous stems and make it into your bowstring.

While things like sticks can be used to make arrows and stone chips can be the broadheads. If you want sharper broadheads, you can try to use glass by breaking a window or some glass bottle.

The goal is to make a bow and an arrow into something that can shoot accurately and consistently. Not to mention being able to make powerful shots too!

Reason 3: It is cost-effective!

So, there are two ways how getting archery gear is cost-effective. First, your archery gear is more versatile. The arrow can be used as a drill to help you with kindling a fire. The string for the bow can be used for other purposes such as a fishing line, to set traps or help build your survival shelter. This is in comparison with other gear of course.

Next, arrows can be reused again and again, until the fletches come off or the arrow-point becomes dull. To do this properly, you may want to choose an arrow which is made from durable materials. Usually, the body of an arrow is made from wood or carbon which are usually enough to sustain force.

You may also want to learn about the various arrow tips that are available such as using blunt tips for small game. People would get arrow-tips which are pointed with larger broadheads to do more lethal shooting.


After you are convinced about learning archery as a survival skill, it is time to delve into getting the best kind of gear. In looking out for a good stabilizer there are several things to consider including getting one with the perfect length and weight, ensuring that it is made from sufficiently durable stuff and ensure that it is adjustable (depending on your preference of course).

Getting the best gear would not end it all yet. You still have to find out how to utilize this gear to make your shots consistent and accurate. You have no choice but to practice shooting consistently and find out what works! If you have any other ideas you would like to share, feel free to comment below!


Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL)

rsdlA beginning Prepper will start out focusing on the basics: Beans/Bullets/Band Aids. And hopefully the training that goes with them. As time goes on and experience increases, he hopefully becomes more adept at identifying those threats that have the potential to cause him harm, and to start mitigating them. And expanding his equipment and supplies.

At some point you have to decide if a chemical/biological/nuclear threat scenario is something you need to concern yourself with. And that you need to equip for. Some preppers will, some wont.  I covered protective masks some time back.

Emergent BioSolutions  makes a product they call Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion. It has been used by the United States Government as well as other agencies. They sent me one of their packets, but I have decided not to open the packet. I will rely on published data instead. The purpose of these kits is to decontaminate your hands, arms, face, neck, and inside your protective mask in the event you are contaminated with a biological warfare agent. The agents that it will effectively neutralize are:

  • Tabun
  • Sarin
  • Soman
  • Cyclohexyl Sarin
  • VX
  • HD (Mustard)
  • T2 Toxin


The kits come with two packets, one blue, one green. The blue one is a training packet o71eettDhP0L__SL1500_nly. The green packet is the real deal.


The kit comes in a cardboard box with instructions.

So, do you need to invest in this product? Only you can answer that. I think that the threat of a localized terrorist biological attack is a legitimate concern. These packets are extremely light weight, small, fit easily in a shirt pocket, and by all accounts, effective. The negative side is that they are expensive at $50.00 a kit.

You can see a good You Tube video and learn more about this product here.

You can by the kits on Amazon

Survival Hax Ferro Rod Fire Starter

81ySwXPWKyL__SL1500_It is a common prepper mantra that redundancy is critical. Try not to ever rely on only one method to accomplish the critical. Fire making is a critical survival skill, and you should always have at least three methods on hand to start a fire.

A ferro rod should be in your survival kit along with other options such as lighters or matches. There are a lot of them out there. Sometimes you get them free as part of another item or set. Sometimes they are individually free-standing.  But they are everywhere in various sizes and grades of efficiency. When Survival Hax  asked if I would like to review theirs, I said sure. They import a number of reasonably priced but quality made survival item, and I have reviewed a number of their items before, all with good results. But I was wondering what could make a ferro rod fire starter worth $20.00. When the package arrived and I opened it, I found out.

This thing is BIG! The ferro rod is six inches long. In seriously cold weather, with most ferro rod fire starters you would need to take your gloves off to properly manipulate them because of their size. Not this rod. It is big enough that you should be able to manipulate it in extremely cold weather with mittens on. THAT is what makes a ferro rod fire starter worth $20.00.

In addition to the large size of the rod, it comes with an excellently designed striker, which has a serrated half-moon striking surface. It is long enough to get good leverage and create a good shower of sparks. It also functions as a bottle opener and hex wrench.

Attached to it is a small waterproof capsule with cotton tinder inside. Although a bit small, it suffices for the intended job. Especially with the amount of sparks you can generate on the large rod. Personally, I keep cotton ball impregnated with Vaseline in old medicine plastic cases for my tender.  Holding the whole set together is a large roll of 550 cord, which has a small whistle on the end.

This is an outstanding fire starter. The size allows you to use it effectively even with thick gloves on, and it is of high quality. If you are only going to have one ferro rod fire starter, this one should be it!

Available at Survival Hax or Amazon

7 Best Survival Gadgets for All Your Outdoor Needs.

This is a guest article by Anthony Maldonado

There are plenty of outdoor activities. Some want to practice outdoor sports, some enjoy just running in nature, some want to go for hunting and some would enjoy just a picnic in nature or camping under the stars. It is very healthy to spend some time in nature. That way we clear our mind from the negative thoughts and release all the negativity. Our muscles relax and our lungs fill with fresh air. With the everyday use of the technology and working all week-long, we try to reconnect with our roots and spend some time in nature in order to recharge our batteries and have plenty of energy for the tasks we have to do. Most of the people want to use the free time they have to spend some time in nature with their friends and family and have a good time. They decide for some outdoor activity and enjoy the benefits they get from spending some time in nature.

Before deciding on any outdoor you  need to prepare and take the equipment needed in order to avoid some impediments that will ruin your time in nature. In this article, we offer 7 best survival gadgets for your outdoor needs.

  • Gadget number one – Personal water filter – There is no life without water, so you need to take plenty of water with you when you spend some time outdoors. Sometimes it happens that you run out of water, so the personal water filter is a must have  gadget with you when spending some time outdoors. Our bodies need to be hydrated so that they can work properly. This tool can be found online or in many shops. It is not very expensive. With the personal water filter you can drink any water you find near you. The filter filters the water and after that the water is safe or drinking. So, when you consider some outdoor activity make sure you do not run out of water or just take the personal water filter.
  • Gadget number two – A flashlight and a battery charger – During  darkness, you will need a flashlight with you. When spending  time camping or maybe doing some other outdoor activity you should have a flashlight and some batteries for it. Rechargeable batteries  will need a battery charger in case the ones you have do not work. A solar battery charger will be perfect for charging your batteries for your outdoor needs.
  • Gadget number three – A lighter – Whether you smoke or not you definitely should have a lighter with you. It is very useful  not only for lighting your cigarettes but also for starting a fire. You may need to get warm or you can use the fire as a source of light.
  • Gadget number four – A hand warmer – When your hands are cold you are unable to perform the activities you need to do. When our hands are warm we are able to do important tasks. Hand warming devices are easy to use; they are re-usable and can be used 12 hours straight. They make your hands warm faster than using gloves.
  • Gadget number five – Sun oven – This might be a more expensive gadget, but it will definitely serve you if you want to spend some time outdoors and prepare the food in nature by yourself. This oven uses the sun lights as energy and heats up to 200 degrees Celsius. You can prepare some food using this oven and enjoy your time outdoors.
  • Gadget number six – A gun – This may not be something that will come to your mind when you want to spend some time relaxing in nature, but it is something you must have with you. There are many animals in nature, especially in the woods. Animals see people as a threat and they just want to protect themselves so you need to have a gun with you in order to defend yourself from the possible danger.
  • Gadget number seven – First aid kit – When spending some time outdoors, you must have a first aid kit with you in case of accidents, or maybe if bitten by an insect, if you cut yourself accidentally and so on. Also have some disinfectant swith you and bandages in case you got wounded. You never know what may happen. It is better to be prepared.


Anthony MaldonadoAnthony Maldonado has over Thirty (30) years of experience in the field of hunting, sports and self-defense related fields. Now he keeps on doing it through teaching others about how to prepare and DIY. He is an expert in the area of DIY. He is presently working at his tenbesttipz.com



Guide to Picking the Best Mattress & Sleeping Pad for Survival

This is a guest article by Will Bermudez 

“Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!” This already famous truism is the perfect advice for all humanity: the smartest thing to do to ensure our survival is to have a strategy for the times when such planning will be required. One may hope those times will never come, but being ready for any circumstances is a moral duty. One essential detail you need to think about when developing a survival strategy – whether if it is for living in the wild or for surviving a natural disaster – is sleeping arrangements. Depending on your needs, you’ll be inclined to choose between a mattress and a sleeping pad. I tried both options, and I can’t decisively swing over one or another. They both have numerous pros. But in the end, the choice is based on individual preferences. That’s why I put together a short guide to help you consider vital factors when making your purchase of either a mattress or a pad – or both.

Think comfort

Whether you want a thin sleeping pad or a thick air mattress, seek the most comfortable option according to your needs. If you have health issues, allergies or back pains or you just have to sleep in a specific position, choose the product that addresses your problem. Read the descriptions of the products carefully; ask the retailer for more details and, most importantly, read the buyers’ reviews. Test the pad or the mattress, if you have the possibility, for at least 15 minutes, in your favorite sleeping position.

Think storage and transportation

sleeping padModern pads and mattresses are designed to pack small, especially the outdoors models. Some pads pack to the size of a soda can. Deflated mattresses take little space in backpacks as well. But remember that you should focus on quality: the ultra-light ones may not offer the same sleep experience as the full body length ones. Sometimes too thin can mean a hard bed; too large, and the pad or mattress is difficult to carry. Considering you’ll probably sleep on the ground or the floor of a shelter, you should go for a thicker product, but still easy to transport.

Think materials and durability

The sleeping pad & mattress industry has evolved a lot over the past decades in all aspects – materials, weight, versatility, features. Pads are usually made of dense foam filled with tiny closed air cells. Most airbeds are made of PVC and other leading-edge materials meant to increase their durability. A thicker PVC layer (0.6 mm, for instance) offers better insulation, but can also bring extra weight. Good news is that lately, manufacturers went for fumes-free materials for airbeds, which reduces the safety concerns regarding the chemicals in these products.

Think power source

Consider the fact that you may not have an electric power source or that the one you have might get cut off. Thus, if you want to choose an air mattress, look for a self-sufficient product that can be inflated manually, or that can work on batteries as well.

Think quality and price

Try to find the best brands on the market, the ones that have been around for a long while and have developed a wide range of models, making them better and more affordable. Research thoroughly what others have to say about a particular product or brand; TryMattress recommends checking the website of the manufacturer and even the social media accounts since many people choose to give reviews on these networks. Last but not least, consider the fact that a good and reliable product will not be cheap, but it will be a long-term investment in your safety and comfort.


Publisher’s note: Amazon carries a good selection of sleeping pads and air mattresses.

Survival Water Filter by Survival Hax

Drinkable water is going to be on the top of the survival priority list in any situation. Whether you are stranded on the road for three days, evading a natural disaster for three weeks, or dealing with TEOTWAWKI for the next three decades, without having enough clean drinking water to stay alive, all of your other preps will not matter. There are a number of ways to treat water to make it drinkable. Having a personal water filter is one of those ways, and has a number of tactical advantages. They are light weight, and inexpensive so each person in your group can have and carry at least two. I see these as reserve items. You should have as much stored water as possible at your main location, as well as larger family sized filters. But these are useful especially if you are on the go and bugging out on foot. Water weighs a lot, and you won’t be able to carry a lot with you. Boiling takes time, requires you stay in one place long enough to do it, and requires fuel. The advantage to portable personal water filters is that you can drink on the go, as you find water.

Survival Hax is a company that imports a line of inexpensive but well made survival items. I have written about their survival shovel,  as well as their EDC keychain

According to the manufacturer, this water filter has the following characteristics:

  • Filter up to 400 gallons (1,500 liters) of drinkable water with one straw. (30% more efficient than standard portable filters.)
  • Advanced filter purifies at .1 microns and removes 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites.
  • Chemical Free technology for healthy water intake.
  • Lightweight and easy to store (3oz, 7.5in long, 1in diameter). Perfect for Bug Out Bags.

There are a number of portable water filters on the market, and honestly, all about equally as good.  The particular filter has a number of add ons, including a small compass, small mirror,  and the end cap is a whistle.  Cute, but to me, probably not that all useful. A well-built carabiner allows it to be attached easily on the outside of your gear if you want. But it DOES have a couple features that I consider very useful. If you look at the picture above of the woman drinking, notice how close down to the water she has to get. This filter comes with a length of surgical tubing which will fit on the end to allow you more stand-off from the water.  This allows you to keep your head up higher and to be able to look around while drinking, enhancing your security. The tubing could also be used as an emergency tourniquet.

But the one feature that really stands out for me on this particular filter, is that the end cap is threaded so that you can screw on a standard 28mm plastic water bottle. This has a number of advantages. Water locations can be dangerous places in a serious situation, attracting all kinds of two and four-legged critters. With a couple spare empty bottles, you can fill them up quickly and move on to drink the water away from the water source. I see this as a definite advantage.  You can get one from Survival Hax or from Amazon Prime

Survival Hax 10 in 1 EDC Keychain

EDC (Every Day Carry) are those items you want on you (or within immediate reach) at all times. Each person’s EDC kit will be different and will be based to a large degree on personal preference, and to some degree on your usual location.

When SurvivalHax.com sent me their 10 in 1 EDC keychain for review, I was pretty interested.  This is basically a mini-fishing kit with fire starter stored in a waterproof aluminum case attached to 4 feet of braided Para cord with a whistle attached to a small carabiner.

 The aluminum container holds :

3 Fishing lines 2 x Hooks 2 x Weights 2 x Floaters 2 x Sinkers 2 x Swivels 1 Knife 1 Tinder cotton 1 Ferrocerium rod 2 Safety Pins and  1 cable saw

The first thing I tested was the whistle. Although not police quality, it got the immediate attention of both the wife and the cat, each vying to give me the meanest scowl. It is certainly loud enough for signaling purposes. The carabiner is of lightweight metal but seems to be of good quality. Although I did not unbraid the paracord, it also looks to be well made.

The small finger knife has a sharp edge and a saw edge. The sharp edge wasn’t that sharp, but a few swipes on a sharpener solved that, and it will now cut the fishing line if needed, and I am confident I could gut a fish with it. The main use of the knife is as a striker for the Ferrocerium rod. Holding it by the ring end and striking it like a match down the rod produces a goodly ammount of sparks, certainly enough to start a fire with proper tinder. I didn’t try the small cotton tinder roll, as I am soaking it in Vaseline and placing it in a small plastic pill bag.

Living in the Sonoran Desert I am not real close to a handy stream to try the fishing gear, but it is certainly adequately made. The hooks, floats and weight seem to be of good quality.The small wire saw is sufficient to cut a small pole for a fishing rod, but I doubt it would hold up to hard continuous use. But then again, it wasn’t designed to. This is an EDC kit to get you home to your main gear.

The aluminum case is indeed waterproof with a thin rubber gasket between the two parts.  I tend to adapt my gear. I recently did an article on the SurvivalHax.com nifty little Survival Shovel Both handels are hollow, and I filled one with cotton balls wrapped in a plastic bag to use with the fire starter. I am going to take the fishing components on the 10 in 1, wrap them in a plastic bag, and place them in the second hollow handle. The shovel is attached to my get home bag I keep in the back of my Jeep.  As I require certain medication, I am going to fill the waterproof metal case with one weeks worth of medication and attach it also to the get home bag.


All in all, this is a pretty nifty little set up for the price. The items are well made. You can use it as intended as an EDC keychain, or divvy up the components as I did. Available from SurvivalHax.com  or on Amazon.


Why Should You Learn Bow Hunting for Survival?

(This is a guest article by Brandon Cox)

Learning survival skills isn’t everyone’s plans as most people rarely plan to become survivals one day. What if the worst happens and you have to hunt for food to survive? Chances are you’re not one of those many people if you’re reading this post. As a modern-day prepper, the idea of bow hunting might not sound ideal but remembers bullets eventually do disappear. You need to learn stealth to survive.

These are the times when you realize a bow is your best option. Tracking your target with the focus on stealth hunting is one of the best skills any prepper can learn. Learning how to use a bow and arrow for hunting is an art of the highest kind that might one day be the only option you’ve got.

When stuck in the wilderness, nothing beats what a bow and arrow can do for you. There is always a reason to learn bow hunting for survival especially if you’re a fan of primitive hunting skills.

For those that think bow hunting has no place in the modern world, here are six why you should learn bow hunting for survival.

Highly Portable

Ordinary take down bows weigh just a few pounds making them extremely portable. The last thing you would wish for when in a survival situation is a weapon that weighs you down. Bows consist of only three pieces; the two limbs and a mid-grip section. You just need to twist a few lug screws, and you’re ready to aim. The portability of the bow along with the arrow arrangement means you can easily pack the bow and some arrows in your bug out bag with ease.

Bows and strings are multi-purpose

The bow is a multi-purpose weapon that can be used to achieve several other functions. You can all agree with me that it feels great to have a weapon that can be used to serve several other purposes. Pieces of the takedown bow arrow kit can be used different functions.

One of the parts you can use for example is the string. The string is usually 4-6 feet and sturdy. It can be used as a trot-line for fishing and a cordage for building shelter. The string can also be used in traps, making a snare and even starting fire via a bow drill. Go ahead and improvise anything that helps you from the string as a long as you don’t damage it.

Also, the arrows can be used as a spear for hunting small game and fish. There is just a lot you can do with your bow and arrows apart from hunting.

Observe a low sonic profile

This is probably one of the compelling reasons to start learning bow hunting for survival. A bow and an arrow make up a silent weapon. Who knows, there will come a day when you will need a deadly but silent weapon. Consider a situation where you have to maintain a low sonic profile and to bug out isn’t an option. Archery will turn out to be your only survival option.

A bow and arrow are wise ideas, especially when hunting in an area with a lot of competition. Bow hunting for survival guarantees you stealth takedown. You also get to return to your camp safely without drawing any unnecessary attention.

Bow hunting as a plan B

Any prepper can agree with me that the key long-term survival and emergency preparedness is having a plan B. While guns have taken center stage over the past few years, they can run out of ammunition. In such scenarios, your only plan B is a bow. This is further supported by the fact that a bow is quite light and can be packed together with the arrows in your bug out bag with easy. There even places around the globe where you can’t use a gun freely. Such places require you to have a bow and some arrows with you.

Regulations and legal laws regarding the use of bows and arrows are also more lenient compared to guns. There is no cumbersome paperwork required for people to own bows and arrows as with pellets and guns.

Precision long-range damage

There is no better weapon as a bow and an arrow when in a long-range situation. This simply means you don’t need to get too close to your target to kill it. With good practice, you can shoot targets from as far as 50-100 yards and hit them accurately. This is not something that you can do with spears.

Bow hunting is a fun DIY project

This is another great idea to learn bow hunting.  Most preppers will tell you they just need a few materials to make a good bow and arrows. This cannot be said of other weapons in a real survival situation. A few straight sticks can make an arrow while a hardwood can make the bow itself. Use stone chips to make the broadheads. It is fun making the bow and arrows. If you have a glass bottle with you, then you can break it and make broadheads. The string is the only challenging thing to find, but plants like vines can give you strong strings. You can even use threads from your clothes.

Final Verdict

Now you know why you need to learn bow hunting right away. With a bow and some arrows, you can not only hunt down a prey but also defend yourself. When we talk about bow hunting for survival, it is not just how you can use the bow to kill a prey; it is how you can employ a bow and an arrow in a survival situation.

Author Bio:

Brandon Cox is the founder of StayHunting, who is passionate about all things of hunting and fitness. Through his hunting website, he would like to share tips & tricks, finest tech that will excite all of the intricacies of hunting whether you be an amateur or a professional.