Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL)

rsdlA beginning Prepper will start out focusing on the basics: Beans/Bullets/Band Aids. And hopefully the training that goes with them. As time goes on and experience increases, he hopefully becomes more adept at identifying those threats that have the potential to cause him harm, and to start mitigating them. And expanding his equipment and supplies.

At some point you have to decide if a chemical/biological/nuclear threat scenario is something you need to concern yourself with. And that you need to equip for. Some preppers will, some wont.  I covered protective masks some time back.

Emergent BioSolutions  makes a product they call Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion. It has been used by the United States Government as well as other agencies. They sent me one of their packets, but I have decided not to open the packet. I will rely on published data instead. The purpose of these kits is to decontaminate your hands, arms, face, neck, and inside your protective mask in the event you are contaminated with a biological warfare agent. The agents that it will effectively neutralize are:

  • Tabun
  • Sarin
  • Soman
  • Cyclohexyl Sarin
  • VX
  • HD (Mustard)
  • T2 Toxin


The kits come with two packets, one blue, one green. The blue one is a training packet o71eettDhP0L__SL1500_nly. The green packet is the real deal.


The kit comes in a cardboard box with instructions.

So, do you need to invest in this product? Only you can answer that. I think that the threat of a localized terrorist biological attack is a legitimate concern. These packets are extremely light weight, small, fit easily in a shirt pocket, and by all accounts, effective. The negative side is that they are expensive at $50.00 a kit.

You can see a good You Tube video and learn more about this product here.

You can by the kits on Amazon

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