The Truth About MRE’s

MRE_20071124MRE. The acronym of Meal, Ready to Eat. A common term in the military and prepper communities for packaged field rations. Many people stocking survival food will stock MRE’s, either as a sole food source or as an addition to other stocked food options. There are a lot of opinions and even myths about MRE’s. So what is the truth about MRE’s?

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Valley Food Storage (Product test)

White Bean and Lime Chili

White Bean and Lime Chili

I have had the opportunity to eat a wide variety of “field” or “Emergency” rations over the years. From military C rations in Vietnam to the whole line of MRE’s including today’s varieties (which I can buy in military commissaries), foreign military rations, and civilian freeze dried foods. I am always looking for  efficient and tasty long term storable food, so when Valley Food Storage asked me to test one of their products, I happily agreed.

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