The Tactical Rifle (Book Review)

Tactical%20RifleGabriel Suarez

Paladin Press


Gabriel Suarez is one of the most prominent small arms instructors on the scene today, and has been for quite some time. He is a former Southern California law enforcement officer who has been teaching advanced small arms training full time for a number of years. He is regarded as one of the best. Although originally aimed at active police training, this volume is an excellent training reference for the civilian, cop, or soldier who wants to improve his rifle marksmanship beyond the basics and utilize their rifle for serious self-defense.

The Tactical Rifle is a thoroughly comprehensive manual that reviews the basics of rifle marksmanship and then covers a large amount of ground in the tactical use of the rifle. Subjects covered include Safety and Dry firing, Care and Maintenance, Effects of Barrel Length and Shot Placement on Terminal Ballistics, Principles of Marksmanship, Iron and Optical Sights, Zeroing, Carrying and Ready Positions, Various Shooting Positions, Proper Reloading and Malfunction Clearance, Low Light Operations, and much, much more. He even gives a suggested qualification course for units training or for the individual to measure his or her skills.

This is an excellent book for novice rifle shooter or the experienced rifleman alike. I highly recommend it.









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